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Inspirational Winners


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Easter wishes

March 25, 2016

Good Friday, through to Easter Sunday, marks the beginning of spring…….just as with ‘Holi’, the Festival of Colours (happening just about now all over the Indian subcontinent!), the season’s arrival, protected by the Elephant God, Ganesh, remover of all obstacles, it signifies all new beginnings. […]

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Your life: The sum total of all those little things…

March 18, 2016

It’s Sport Relief this weekend and, if you’re anything like me, where the very thought of doing a marathon fills you with both horror and panic in equal measure, then fear not…….with the teeniest of effort and the smallest of actions, you can change your […]

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Stop the world, I want to get off!

March 11, 2016

500 years ago, no-one died from “stress” – we humans invented the concept and now we let it rule our lives. We may have evolved as a species to achieve great things, such as miraculously landing on the moon, somehow managing to produce babies in […]

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Happy Mother’s Day!

March 6, 2016

“THINK in your own little, inner world so you can CREATE your true dream of an outer world, in a way that will INSPIRE the whole, wide world!!” We at ‘Inspirational Winners’ urge everyone to pull together all of the above messages into the richness […]

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March into more Health & Energy!

March 4, 2016

Our energy levels most definitely affect our health. If we run on low energy for too long, we all know that eventually we become sick. We can, however, stay healthy by keeping our energy levels balanced and learning how to recharge ourselves effectively and regularly. […]

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Deliberately creating your day

February 26, 2016

When our mood is low, the world looks bleak; when our mood is high, we feel as though we can take on the world. When our mood is high, everyone is wonderful; when our mood is low, they’re all total ba****ds! The difference, as always, […]

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IF – Rudyard Kipling

February 23, 2016

Returning from India, never have I spent more time thinking of the man behind the wonderful adventures of Mowgli in “Jungle Book” and to his words of wisdom below. How apt this message is for living our lives authentically (not to mention Walt Disney doing […]

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‘L’ is for…

February 19, 2016

LAUGHING as much as you can breathe & LOVING as long as you LIVE!!! As we leave St. Valentine’s week behind, make sure you remember his message for the rest of the year: that love really does make the world go round!!

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Love at first sight – does it really exist?

February 12, 2016

As we head towards another day where the lucky ones amongst us may be showered with gifts and flowers, thanks to St Valentine, perhaps the message below can also provide us with a little food for thought….. ‘The successful love affair, perhaps one leading to […]

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The Magnificent 7 Benefits of Being Present in February

February 5, 2016

There is only one time that is important – NOW! It is the most important time because it is the only time that we have any power.” Leo Tolstoy “I never think of the future. It comes around soon enough.” Albert Einstein “The secret of […]

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