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Inspirational Winners


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The Spirit of Christmas Present…

December 18, 2015

As Christmas fast approaches, it may well be the time when a few of us choose to look back. Some reflection is certainly healthy, yes, however, when it comes to looking ahead (bearing in mind it was Einstein who said, “I never think of the […]

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Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships

December 11, 2015

By Christopher Ryan & Cacilda Jethå Since Darwin’s day, we’ve been told that sexual monogamy comes naturally to our species. Mainstream science—as well as religious and cultural institutions—has maintained that men and women evolved in families in which a man’s possessions and protection were exchanged […]

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December – the time for divine inspiration

December 4, 2015

This month’s consideration: Body and Spirit In the holiday season’s whirl of parties, presents and feasting, don’t forget that this time is one in which we’re supposed to be divinely inspired. If you lack a spiritual connection, you’re likely to focus simply on satisfying your […]

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What is “love”, anyway?

November 20, 2015

For someone who has struggled with the whole concept of marriage all her life (for me, the true essence of “partnership” resonates with so much more meaning and promise), that when asked, by my clients, the rhetorical question: “what is love, anyway?” the desire to […]

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10 ways to tackle depression without resorting to drugs!!!

November 6, 2015

It’s far better to view antidepressants as the last resort, so please………before you reach for those meds, have a go at some – or all – of these alternative treatments first: Practice Mindfulness When you’re depressed, negative thoughts pour into your mind like water from […]

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November – the time for fireworks to make us take notice

November 3, 2015

This month’s consideration: Past and Future What came before and what might follow can give meaning to our life in the present. We can’t escape the influence of time, so why not befriend it? Instead of living in the past or burying past experiences, make […]

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All Saints’ Day, 1st November

November 1, 2015

As we leave the Halloween celebrations behind for yet another year, we see the 1st November arrive….and as I remember my dear father’s passing on this day, back in 1996, and my beloved cousin, Imran’s birthday (born on the very same day in 1983), I […]

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Handle your anxiety with some genuinely positive self-talk!!

October 23, 2015

PREPARING “It’s not going to be as bad as I think” “This won’t last long and I know I can cope with it” “I might enjoy it if I go” “If I do get bad feelings, I know they won’t last long and I can […]

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October – the time to see and believe in magic!

October 9, 2015

This month’s consideration: Heaven and Earth Plugged into our high-tech toys, we can all too often ignore the natural world. Cyberspace junkies need to come down to earth and see how amazing things also exist on this plane. Achieving “touch-down” can be as simple as […]

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Empty your mind to feed your soul, then watch you don’t fill it with trash!!

September 25, 2015

It is far easier to bring about changes from the subconscious into conscious behaviour than it is to make conscious decisions about desired behaviour and have those behaviours manifest from the subconscious. A bit of a mouthful, but all it means is that, by learning […]

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