October 21, 2016
Wanting to be happy all the time is a very natural desire, but not altogether realistic. Simply due to the fact that life is so good at throwing us the odd curved ball every now and then, we know full well that many other emotions […]
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October 14, 2016
Bouncing back and developing resilience all depend on the stories you tell yourself. These stories or “self-talk” as we call them, can either help you to persist in the face of failure or disable you and make you downright miserable. Pessimists, who generally don’t bounce […]
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October 10, 2016
Every year World Mental Health Day is recognised on 10th October. It is an opportunity to “raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilising efforts in support of mental health.” The theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day is ‘psychological first […]
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September 30, 2016
S is for your starting point or vision E is for engaging and empowering your people C is for commitment to continuous improvement R is for rewarding the culture, the way we do things E is for emotional fitness […]
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September 26, 2016
Even if you’re not a student, life can feel increasingly busy at this time of year. As the autumn weather sets in, kids go back to school and Christmas starts to loom, September can be a stressful month for a number of reasons. If you’re […]
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September 23, 2016
Have you ever wondered why you feel drained of your motivational energy when you procrastinate over getting things done? When you look around your home or at work, do you feel overwhelmed by the tasks you haven’t yet started or the projects that you are […]
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September 16, 2016
It is far easier to bring about changes of habit from the subconscious mind into our conscious behaviour than it is to make conscious decisions for behaviours to operate as new habits by willing them to take root in the subconscious. Now before you say, […]
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September 9, 2016
Most of us hate failure and spend quite a bit of our lives arranging things so that this doesn’t happen. Sometimes, when others fail we’re tempted to blame them for their stupidity and then go out of our way to avoid them, in case their […]
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September 2, 2016
Still being asked on how to go about securing suitable training or qualifications towards becoming a life coach, I always make a point of saying that I don’t ‘do’ advice. My response is simply this: go out, follow your heart and live your life! If […]
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August 31, 2016
A shower in the morning and a bath at night? What about cleaning our energy channels?!! Millions of people suffer from illnesses that the medical profession is unable to diagnose and can therefore offer no treatment. They view the body purely in its physical form […]
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