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Inspirational Winners


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Space De-Clutter

July 23, 2021

The GREAT summer SPACE de-clutter! As we witness the start of the Tokyo Games, wouldn’t it be ace if we could just sort out our life’s accumulated stuff? To do it, Olympic style, once and for all? Yes, indeed! To clear all those blocked energy […]

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Face To Face

July 5, 2021

You are not alone ……   Globally, no-one has remained unaffected by this pandemic…..and as we now begin to focus, at long last, on a brighter future, we need to give ourselves some much needed time and space…… to reflect on the reeling effects of […]

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From Isolation to Connection

June 24, 2021

During the last 12 months or so, I’m proud to be able to say my clients have devoted their energies to cultivating awareness and kindness towards themselves. They have developed their ability to know, moment by moment, the thoughts, feelings and sensations that are flowing […]

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The Shadow Self

June 14, 2021

Today is my birthday! ….and with June as my birthday month making me a Gemini, I must admit that the whole ‘Jekyll & Hyde’ thing is quite an apt description …and I’m really quite ok with that. After all, we humans are multi-faceted beings, with many […]

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Full Moon

May 26, 2021

  The Full Moon marks the climax of the lunar cycle …..and we have another one tonight, folks…..yes, indeed – another opportunity to surrender to the Divine! Life events reaching a conclusion or a turning point, all coming to a head – that is what […]

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MAY: your Month to make Magic!

May 4, 2021

As I pour love & blessings onto Inaaya, my youngest niece, who is 1 today, I think of how her arrival last year, on 4th May, may have her turn into a devoted Star Wars fan! ……..and not a Trekkie!! A mistaken notion on my […]

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Your Remarkable Reinvention!

April 22, 2021

Life on Earth is most definitely a team game (not just a great David Attenborough TV show) … and, as with any game, whilst it may be advantageous working for adidas, with access to all things Olympian, this is, of course, not mandatory. It is […]

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Your wheel of fortune paradigm shift!

April 5, 2021

My nephew, Amaan is 13 today, this Easter Monday, 2021. Many happy returns for a very Happy Birthday, you terrifically turned-out teenage ninja (mutant turtle??)!!! .…and talking of ninja mutants, whilst I am certainly a fan of those pizzazz, perfect, pizza-loving heroes, the song that […]

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Many Happy Returns – Live Long & Prosper

March 26, 2021

Today marks my youngest nephew’s first birthday! Born on 26th March, in the first week of lockdown in 2020, this remarkable little boy is proof positive that we all enter the world as princes and princesses! Yay!!!!……….unfortunately, it is life, potentially, that then turns us […]

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Red Nose Day…..find comic relief by being organised, first!

March 15, 2021

Make it a habit Spend a little time each day to organise at least one part of your life. Take action Stop procrastinating and take the first step toward achieving your goals today. Make your bed Organising a little piece of your world can start […]

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