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November 19, 2021
It can feel confusing, even bewildering, not to mention frustrating, for any parent wanting to make sense of their child’s problems and how to help them. You may worry that it’s your parenting or family breakdown that’s at the root of it, and feel guilty […]
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November 4, 2021
Quicksilver runs through these Gemini veins….and my sense of the urgent, with its corresponding stratospheric energy levels, has been driving others to distraction on a regular basis, for as long as I can remember! When it’s full steam ahead and there’s a job to do, […]
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October 20, 2021
Did you know your subconscious automatically manifests whatever thoughts and beliefs hold the most power in your mind? ….and taking any form of action that contradicts those limiting beliefs is the quickest, most surefire way to shift this power away from them! Think about the […]
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October 6, 2021
When people are first introduced to the concept of detachment in relationships, many of them find the idea questionable, if not objectionable. Some think it means that we must no longer care for our loved ones, if we detach from them. Some believe that by […]
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September 21, 2021
My pain is so much worse than yours! Oh, my, what an easy trap to fall in to – to show others how victimized we have been, how much we hurt, how unfair it is ….and what a martyr we are ….and that we won’t […]
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September 7, 2021
It may feel safe, having allowed yourself to remain stuck in the dull routine of a mere existence, but this takes you to a very low energy point and, eventually, strips you of the joy of your experiences of life. It’s a certain path to […]
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August 8, 2021
Have you been feeling drained or tired for no apparent reason, or extremely emotional? Having competed like their lives depended on it, Team GB are certain to be experiencing some level of energy drain at the close of the Olympic Games, but this isn’t likely to […]
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July 23, 2021
The GREAT summer SPACE de-clutter! As we witness the start of the Tokyo Games, wouldn’t it be ace if we could just sort out our life’s accumulated stuff? To do it, Olympic style, once and for all? Yes, indeed! To clear all those blocked energy […]
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July 5, 2021
You are not alone …… Globally, no-one has remained unaffected by this pandemic…..and as we now begin to focus, at long last, on a brighter future, we need to give ourselves some much needed time and space…… to reflect on the reeling effects of […]
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June 24, 2021
During the last 12 months or so, I’m proud to be able to say my clients have devoted their energies to cultivating awareness and kindness towards themselves. They have developed their ability to know, moment by moment, the thoughts, feelings and sensations that are flowing […]
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