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Inspirational Winners


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7 Steps to Success

February 7, 2014

1. Know What You Want My first tip may on the surface sound really simple and quite obvious. When the layers are gently peeled back, the surprising revelation is that many people have no clear and focused vision or intellectualisation of what they specifically want […]

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Thoughts Become Things…

Watch your Thoughts, they become Words, Watch your Words, they become Actions, Watch your Actions, they become Habits, Watch your Habits, they become your Character, Watch your Character, it becomes your Destiny…… ……and it all starts with a Thought!!

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From Illness to Wellness – Holistic vs. Allopathic

January 7, 2014

Throughout history, cultures have adopted a variety of explanations and philosophies in the continuing quest for health. Illness has been attributed in turn to bugs, divine retribution and even evil spirits. The contemporary model (allopathy) is built largely on the contagion theory of disease and […]

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The Body’s Intuition

The human body is an amazing machine, and as a machine, it needs regular maintenance and care to run it efficiently. There are a number of reasons why our bodies can break down and become sick: our genetic make-up, the environment, our diet etc., but, […]

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If You Think…

January 1, 2014

If you think you’re beaten, you are; If you think that you dare not, you don’t; If you’d like to win, but think you can’t It’s almost certain that you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost. For out in the world you’ll find […]

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It all starts with a thought

November 27, 2013

Watch your thoughts, they become words, Watch your words, they become actions, Watch your actions, they become habits, Watch your habits, they become your character, Watch your character, it determines your destiny.

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Risk Taking…

November 7, 2013

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool To weep is to risk appearing sentimental To reach for another is to risk involvement To expose your ideas or your dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss To love is to risk not being […]

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