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Inspirational Winners


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The Power of Letting Go

June 25, 2014

Summer roses symbolise fulfilment – perfect love, perfect beauty…but, no sooner is such perfection reached, then it is seen to start slipping away, as the delicate petals fall. Learning from such lessons in nature will help us to discover true contentment……to treasure our unfolding riches […]

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Drifting Off Perfectly…

Prepare your evening: a good night’s sleep is prepared in advance – it’s about giving your brain a signal to sleep by gently lowering activity levels and reducing the noise, light and temperature around you. Setting the scene: tell your body that night-time is on […]

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Will the real YOU please stand up…

May 22, 2014

In my work, I have seen the way negative self-beliefs create blocks to our free flowing energy. When this happens, people become out of balance because mind, body, spirit and emotions are no longer operating in harmony, all of which lead to pained lives of […]

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The Leader’s SECRET…

May 7, 2014

S          is for your starting point or vision E          is for engaging and empowering your people C          is for commitment to continuous improvement R          is for rewarding the culture, the way we do things E          is for emotional fitness and […]

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How to Worry Less

April 23, 2014

How to worry less…worrying typically comes from the fear of the unknown, so the best way to tackle it is to confront the demon….. Get comfortable with uncertainty: the more practice you get at coping with unpredictable situations, the better you can deal with all […]

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More Organisation – Less Procrastination!

April 14, 2014

Have you ever wondered why you feel drained of your motivational energy when you procrastinate over getting things done?  When you look around your home and at work, do you feel overwhelmed by the tasks you haven’t yet started or the projects that you are […]

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Failure is fundamental

April 3, 2014

Woody Allen once said that he didn’t want to achieve immortality through his work; he wanted to achieve it through not dying. We all feel much the same way about success: that it should be achieved by not failing. Most of us hate failure and […]

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Energise and Realise…

March 21, 2014

As we leave the winter behind and embrace the spring, notice where your energy is going – is it flowing outward or flowing in? Your momentum is directly related to the energy connections you have with yourself and your world. Ask yourself, with whom and […]

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Reinvent Your Organisation

March 3, 2014

Some people believe knowledge is power, and indeed, it was only when Einstein declared, “Knowledge is limited, it is imagination that encircles the world”, that many began to re-evaluate this original premise. The genius, Einstein, also stated, “The problems that exist in the world today […]

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Your Unique Voice…

February 23, 2014

Working on the launch of a new project with a client, we are incorporating elements of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits as part of the programme. Whilst these habits are essential to move us from mediocrity to greatness, it’s the 8th habit that’s always fascinated me […]

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