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Tantric 10th Anniversary!

The most common and wildest misconception about Tantra is that it’s all about sex! This spring, 2018, as Inspirational Winners celebrates its first ten years, we let you in on a few of the secrets of its success!

There is a much misrepresented and narrow viewpoint of Tantra that seems to have spread like wildfire throughout the West over recent years. Probably dating back to the Victorian era, where prudish morals and feelings of repugnance towards intimacy prevailed, this may indeed by why its antithesis has been allowed to fester into modern-day thinking.

In reality, Tantra is one of the most important of all spiritual, Indian traditions. In Sanskrit, the word means “to weave” and comes from the term, “tanoti” meaning to expand, and “trayati”, meaning liberation. By practising Tantra, using your mind, body, senses and energy fields, your consciousness expands and transcends the limitations of the physical body and mind. People, quite unfairly, tend to lump tantric sex and transcendental meditation together! In practice, however, Tantra is not just about sexual energy, it involves every aspect of your being.

It offers a plethora of methods from which everyone can select techniques that fit their individuality, meet the specific needs they have at any point or stage in their life, whilst guiding them towards the fulfilment of their potential. It is not a one-size fits all or a sheep-dip approach to personal growth; rather, it provides many different methods that can be combined and tailored holistically to meet people’s individual needs, to help them find and gain spiritual prosperity, health and wellbeing, as they reach a unified consciousness.

Tantra can be seen as being the very substance of life and the universe, which supports, creates, connects, interlinks and unifies everything into one. You and I, as human beings, are not separate; right in this very moment as you read this line, we are in fact one, even if we are miles apart.

One of the main purposes of Tantra is to bring everything and everyone together, to bring every aspect of your life into your consciousness so you become fully aware of everything that exists in your life, to be able to embrace it in total, and to live consciously with deliberate intent, rather than existing on auto-pilot.

Dull, and otherwise ordinary, daily routines now become vivid, interesting, meaningful, successful and all-encompassing, as you dive into them with an expanded consciousness, not an absent mind! Sound a little too dangerously familiar?? A bit like the effects of those mind-expanding drugs from the swinging 60s?? Well, maybe so, but the main difference here is that we are NOT relying on the use of any such drugs at all!

With the help of certain tried and tested techniques, your chakras unblock, your energies intensify, your five senses awaken and your personality blossoms. You feel your vitality levels increasing, your mind turning laser-sharp and your heart opening with joy. Your view on life is refined as you see the world and the entire universe widening up, with you wising up! So much so, your sixth sense begins to kick in, your consciousness starts to expand, until you can feel yourself connected and actually becoming one with the Divine!

Many traditions separate the worldly from the spiritual, leading people into a constant battle with life, facing internal struggles of guilt, low self-esteem, poor self-confidence, even promiscuity and hypocrisy. Instead, Tantra looks at our spiritual or life development as a whole, which can have as little, or as much, to do with religion as you like. Whether you follow a particular creed or not, practise or don’t practise a certain faith, true enlightenment must ultimately be about discovering one’s life purpose – what else can it be?

Your mission in life, your fulfilment of potential, be it entrepreneurial, altruistic, scientific, artistic, religious or otherwise, must be the most important thing there is!……and it’s going to be different for each and every one of us. That’s what makes us unique and why, in life, we owe ourselves that journey of self-discovery to find it! Tantra transcends limitations and it makes anything possible – it unifies what is separate and it stops us from feeling like we’re “going nowhere” or that we must “get somewhere”. It reveals YOU to yourself! You wake up to your true nature and the true nature of all things, as they really are.

Einstein once said that everything is energy; quantum physics later established the same; but Tantra knew this long before anyone else, many thousands of years ago in fact. By surviving the eons of time, we respect and recognise the power of Tantra as immense and, by harnessing it, we also, absolutely, know it to be true!

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