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Time for a life audit?

As a former accountant, I always use the end of one financial year, and the start of the next, as my reminder to carry out an audit……. but it’s no ordinary audit!

For balance sheet purposes, we’re always ready to do stock-takes at the drop of a hat, but how many of us ever think about carrying out a life audit?? Do we even know what a life audit is!?!!

Well, it’s the 6th April today, and it’s that time again ……when I put things to one side for a bit and tell myself that it’s far more important to re-focus and concentrate on my life purpose than it is to mess about with any figures for the annual budget!

If you’d like to join me in an annual life stock-take, here are 7 pointers to help you:

  1. What is REALLY important to you?
  2. If you won the lottery and never had to work for a living again, what would you do with your time?
  3. What do you enjoy doing so much that you can lose yourself totally in the activity and you find that it gives you masses of energy?
  4. What persistent complaints or upsets are you aware of or do you hear about that you’d like to take action on?
  5. How would you say that you are different from other people?
  6. What qualities do you admire in others that you’d like to display or possess yourself?
  7. How do you want to be remembered?

After a quick glance at the above, maybe you’ll just shrug your shoulders and go back to that annual budget, or whatever it is you were working on.

Or, maybe now, after some reflection time and armed with plenty of food for thought, you’ll stop in your tracks and take stock to consider what the purpose of your life really is…….

We only get one crack at it – make sure you make the most of yours!

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