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Your Road to Reinvention

Changing into the person we want to become can prove to be really tough for some of us. Even with the best intentions, we end up doing the same old things, in the same old ways.

You read the books, you go on the courses and then you buy the t-shirt. You follow that by making the yearly resolutions and even tell your friends about all your new commitments, so that they’re there, standing by, to support you in keeping that promise to yourself, only to find that you simply return to the same old place in your life.

Sometimes, you feel even worse when you let yourself down for the umpteenth time, then you beat yourself up for breaking your own promises. All sound a little too familiar??

For change to stick or embed, any desired outcome needs to be fully integrated into the whole – there is no quick fix or magic wand, although when true transformation happens, it can indeed seem like magic!

Working with the ‘whole’ is the only way to achieve real change and it is this holistic approach that enables the reinvention process to become a reality. It’s no accident that Inspirational Winners’ mantra is “listen to your body, open your heart, make the most of your mind & free your spirit” – these words pull all four aspects of the human condition together, where we focus on

  • our physical being or body,
  • our emotions or feelings,
  • our intellect or thoughts,
  • our spirit or essence,

in order to create the fully integrated, new whole.

We need to stop feeling fed up with ‘trying’ to change ourselves. Trying never achieved anything! Ask Yoda!!

So, step 1 is all about awareness – where am I now? ……and many people can’t even make it past this one as they have no idea who they are anymore. They’re chasing all the material trappings of life, in an attempt to find happiness, without knowing what it is they really want.

So, that leads us to step 2 – allowing yourself time and giving yourself full permission to discover what it is you really want in life. Stilling all the noise on the outside, where everyone else is telling you what you need to be doing, and tuning in to your own inner voice, your moral compass or internal sat-nav, for divine guidance.

Which brings us to step 3 – releasing your ‘issues’……and I guarantee, we all have them! Unless we learn how to re-connect with ourselves and express what it’s been like living in our world, we’ll never make sense of our experiences and the decisions we’ve made so far. We may need to let go of some pretty negative, even toxic, stuff if we want to become the best we can be.

Which takes us nicely to step 4 – giving ourselves a break with some true self-compassion. I see so many clients who are convinced they have committed some terrible wrong that they are prepared to carry their guilt with them forever, punishing themselves, on a daily basis, for something that everyone else will probably have moved on from. It’s no wonder these people feel like they’re living their lives with the handbrake still on! Healing the past, by making peace with ourselves, is crucial if we want to move forward.

When we end the battle between our emotions and thoughts, we find that we can start to live life fully again. With that, needs to come a transformation in our approach to love, both for ourselves and for others. We find our relationships are enriched, our work chooses us, as opposed to the other way around! ……and at last, we find ourselves going beyond those compulsive patterns that have been holding us to ransom for so many years.

Tune it to your body, celebrate your sexuality, develop a keen intellect, fulfil your potential, discover your life purpose and you will indeed find the courage to change! Be it Yoda or Spock guiding you, Live Long & Prosper!!

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