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10 Positive Ways to Start the New Year

shutterstock_3578705452017 – A New Year and a chance to make a fresh start. There are many positive ways to kick start the New Year. The following are our 10 favourite suggestions:-

  1. Write your top 10 goals for this year and put them on a mirror or door where you can regularly see them.
  2. Donating is one of the most positive ways to start the New Year whether it be donating money, cleaning out your cupboards and donating your unwanted clothes to charity, or just giving your time to help someone less fortunate.
  3. Plan a trip to go to a place you have always wanted to visit.
  4. Take a new hobby or join a fitness class.
  5. Detox to cleanse your body, mind and soul of any toxins. Carrying out daily exercise, mindful thinking, and eating nutritious meals will all help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  6. New experiences – Use 2017 to commit to doing something new that you have thought about doing, but have never done.
  7. Forgive – Holding on to negative energy is not a great way to start the New Year. Forgive those who have hurt you and let go of old pain.
  8. Write a daily journal – it is a great way to record any personal thoughts, dreams, feelings and reaction.
  9. Say ‘yes’ – Start the year by actively saying ‘yes’ to new invitations, projects or opportunities. There may be some surprising benefits.
  10. Love yourself -Forgive any mistakes you’ve made in the past and begin 2017 by accepting yourself for exactly who you are.

As always, Inspirational Winners are here to help if you are not feeling so positive or struggling to cope in the New Year. If you need guidance, advice or simply want to talk to someone please contact us at [email protected].

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