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A sane mind

shutterstock_529080880.165637My passion for people’s wellbeing in terms of mental resilience and emotional fitness may stem from my desire to better understand my brother’s condition, but after all these years, it suddenly struck me that I don’t actually know what the letters in SANE or MIND, the two charities I support, actually stand for…….

Well, given that I know this much about them:

Firstly, that SANE was established in 1986 by the amazing Marjorie Wallace who, as founder and now Chief Executive, set about making it her mission to secure all manner of funding for research into the causes of and the identification of new treatments for schizophrenia, I’ve decided that these letters should stand for the ‘Schizophrenia and Neuroscience Emporium’! The fact that SANE is now actively involved in all areas of mental health, I hope I can be forgiven by Marjorie and the inimitable Ruby Wax, both of whom I love dearly for everything they’re doing to raise everyone’s awareness!

And secondly, that MIND, whose president is none other than the genius Stephen Fry, was originally set up in 1946 as the National Association for Mental Health (NAMH), changing its name to MIND in 1972, to later appear as the lower-case Mind logo in the 1990s…. because their focus is on supporting people’s mental health (as opposed to concentrating on mental illness), I’ve decided that MIND should stand for ‘Mental Illness Now Destroyed”!

Anyway, enough of my ramblings, although I do hope my little journey of reflection here, about both these vital and invaluably important charities, has given you some food for thought. Stay sane, stay sober, now that the party season is over for a bit, and have yourselves a wonderful new year!

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