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Chakra Teachings in August, the month of India’s Independence

shutterstock_220462024Nearly everyone, at some point in their lives, will ask the question, “Who am I?”, “What capabilities are lying dormant within me?”, “How can I realise my full potential?” or “How can I be truly happy?”

No area of knowledge can answer these questions as thoroughly as the knowledge behind the human energy centres, otherwise known as ‘chakras’ and the chakra (translated from the word, ‘wheel’ from the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit) can be seen and highlighted nowhere more clearly than at the very centre of the Indian flag.

Just as studies in Latin can shed light on how life may have been for us long ago in Europe, my journey to India earlier this year provided considerable insight into the human condition from yet another people’s perspective. As I delve further into learning and understanding the full scope of the chakras’ functioning, it seems that the true unravelling of all human potential is, indeed, limitless!

Most people consider the material world and physical body to be the only reality that exists, as only these things can be discerned with the physical senses and, therefore, grasped by the rational mind. In viewing the human being, however, the sensitised eye can perceive numerous energy structures, energy movements and shapes and colours within and around the entire physical body.

If you are someone who accepts the material body as our only reality, then please consider this: what happens to our energy (this vital force which lends life to the physical body and provides it with sensations and a means of expression) when the body dies? The law of physics states that energy is never lost in the universe, it is merely transformed. The power at work behind the body’s material appearance, with all its functions and capabilities, consists of a complex energy system without which the physical body simply could not exist.

There are 3 basic components to this system of energy:

  • The energy bodies: at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of development
  • The energy centres: the receivers/transformers/distributors of energy in the form of chakras
  • The energy channels: a subtle network of arteries in the form of nadis or meridians

The nadis (pronounced nade-eyes and translated to mean vessels, veins or pipes) transport the energy or prana (absolute energy, known as chi or ki in the Chinese and Japanese world) throughout our energy system. Through these channels, the chakras take up vital energy from the four energy bodies within us and from our surroundings, the world at large, and this process ensures that life continues.

In order to work with the chakras effectively, it isn’t necessary to possess some strange mystical or clairvoyant power, simply the desire to develop one’s sensitivity to some of the more subtle, vibrational frequencies. The physical body vibrates at the lowest frequency; the emotional and mental bodies have higher frequencies and the spiritual body has the highest frequency of all. These bodies are the bearers of consciousness at their respective levels of vibration. When their vibrational frequency rises, they provide the human being with higher forms of vital energy, deeper sensations and greater levels of feeling and awareness.

Becoming aware of the state of your chakras can provide an amazing opportunity to get to know yourself better and to experience life at a more heightened and even spiritual level. Check these out: butterflies in the pit of your stomach at interview; a heavy heart after a blazing row; an aching back when there’s no-one supporting you; an intuitive pull alerting you of your inner wisdom; a choked up throat stopping you from speaking your truth…and many other signs we may choose to ignore. By discovering methods to harmonise, unblock and open the chakras or energy centres, there has never been a better time to utilise these ancient Indian teachings as a means of ensuring our accelerated health and well-being.


Love your chakras, everyone, and let us all live long and prosper!

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