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Worry not!

shutterstock_13862835517.01.42.164449Worrying typically comes from the fear of the unknown, so the best way to tackle it is to confront the demon with the following tactics:

  • Get comfortable with uncertainty: the more practice you get at coping with unpredictable situations, the better you can deal with all that life throws at you. Change parts of your daily routine – try a different route to work – or say, yes, to things that you would normally feel are outside of your comfort zone – accept a party invitation….and then go with a trusted friend if going alone proves too much.
  • Do something about it: take charge and work out what, if anything, you can do to change the outcome of whatever is worrying you. Then do two or three things that will address it – if you’re worried about money, for example, make an appointment with the bank to discuss options for support.
  • Make yourself a plan: think of the worst-case scenario and write a detailed plan of what you’d do if it actually happened. Now, if and when the worry returns, it shouldn’t make you feel as nervous as you will have confronted it mentally, which means, emotionally, you’ll feel stronger from a position of better control.

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