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Effective Ways to Cope with a Panic Attack at Work

Most of us will experience certain levels of stress and anxiety at some point in our lives.

However, for some, a panic attack can have a major impact on their daily existence.

Did you know that…

  • 1 in 10 experience occasional panic attacks
  • 2 in 100 experience regular and recurring panic attacks
  • Women are almost twice as likely to be affected by panic attacks as men

Managing a panic attack can be incredibly overwhelming, but when you’re experiencing it in the workplace it can feel even more distressing. If you’re struggling to cope or just want some advice on ways to control your anxiety in the office, read on…

Recognise triggers

Whether it’s speaking in public or stressing about your workload, identifying certain triggers is the first important step to managing a panic attack. If you’re unsure, why not start a ‘panic diary’ and note down exactly what happens each time you experience a panic attack. This way you can start to identify patterns and determine triggers. 

Develop coping techniques

In order to effectively manage a panic attack at work it’s useful to develop some coping techniques that you know work. Slow, deep breathing is often one of the most effective ways to overcome a panic attack but you could also try positive affirmations and healthy distractions such as adult colouring books. Have a research online, find a technique that works for you and stick with it.

Confide in a trusted co-worker

Just talking to someone you trust at work can be incredibly reassuring. If you don’t feel like you can talk to your boss, confide in a dependable co-worker or someone in charge of company healthcare. Talking to someone about your anxieties will give you peace of mind that someone knows what you’re going through and is there to support you if you need them.

Talk to a professional

If panic attacks are having a profoundly negative impact on your working life and you are struggling to cope, then it may be best to talk to a trained professional. Personal therapy can help you to resolve your fears and anxieties and break through the symptoms.

Inspirational Winners regularly work with individuals suffering from panic attacks. We can work with you to identify triggers that are causing or sustaining your panic attacks and help develop effective coping techniques which will allow you to cope at work and in daily life.

For a full personal & professional review, please contact us at [email protected].

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