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Switch off on holiday!

shutterstock_265026164As with any long weekend, when it arrives the more controlling ones amongst us may leave the office wondering how everyone is going to manage without us! Who else is going to complete that urgent project? What if that potentially really important client happens to call just as I decide to leave the building a little earlier than usual? So, as you head off, unable to switch off, preparing for a few days off, you give yourself a nice, little headache, worrying about all these loose ends, which then, not surprisingly, ends up as a full-blown migraine by the time you get home! Sound familiar??!!

Some of you will then sit by the pool, or in the garden, clutching your mobile phones, just in case that all-important call comes in, checking your e-mails before going to bed and immediately again upon waking up. Bad enough that you do this over a bank holiday weekend, but some of you even do this while away in the sun for an entire fortnight! Shame on you!

Little wonder then, that the holiday you had hoped would recharge your batteries leaves you feeling flat and totally drained, with the precious time you wanted with your children, partners, family and friends, just getting lost along the way.

Fear not, folks!

Do the following, before you disappear for your next holiday, and see if it makes any difference:

  • If you head up a team, build in some time to brief them before you leave the office and fully discus any outstanding issues or commitments.
  • Think through any possible problems that may come up and plan for contingencies. Make sure your colleagues are aware of exactly what to do in your absence.
  • Before you actually leave the office, make a to-do list and brain-dump all outstanding matters to be addressed upon your return. This is a great way to clear your mind of everything so you can relax properly while away, knowing that you’ll be able to pick things up from your list, exactly where you left off, as soon as you come back in to work.
  • If you’re job-sharing, make sure colleagues are aware of any clients or customers who might wish to make contact with the organisation while you’re away.
  • Tell your team that you’re available in an emergency, but not otherwise – making this explicitly clear, as opposed to leaving everyone to assume what should be obvious, is a really wise move!
  • Organising your desk (if you have your own) will minimise any need for you to be disturbed and serves to ensure that you have a restful time away, where you can switch your phone off completely (as opposed to just keeping it on silent).
  • Stop all that unnecessary worrying about work and anticipate fully recharging your batteries!

Learn to enjoy that well-earned break and, remember, no-one is indispensable!!!

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