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Delaying the ageing process

With the passing of another birthday, (not only have I chosen to mark the occasion with a total re-vamp of our newsletter! Hope you like it!), I can’t help feeling eternally grateful that I’ve been fortunate enough to celebrate yet another great year (despite, or maybe even because of, all the familiar ups & downs), rather than simply whinging about growing another year older!

As a society, we are striving not only to live longer, but to live better, and as a nation, we’re always looking for ways to stay healthy and more vibrant. Science has made great strides in the understanding of what ageing is, how it works and most importantly, what we can do about it. In the 21st century, we can reduce the diseases of ageing and prolong our health like never before. In short, we are now able to look younger and live longer, naturally.

Enthusiasm, meeting people, having plans and keeping busy are all essential ingredients for keeping a young mind and spirit. Many older people simply give up and decide that their lives are over after they finish their time in paid work. Then again, maybe some people are just born old?? We all need a vision and a hope for the future, no matter how short or long we think that future is……

Living in the past is sure sign of depression. Old memories are fine, but we’ve also still got time to make new memories! As people get older, they become frightened to make any changes in their lives. It’s so much easier to stay in the same, safe rut, but for to me, it’s facing challenges that keeps us alive!…..and anyway, if you need proof of what the difference is between a rut and a grave, just take a look at those just going through the motions of life – for them, it’s only a matter of inches!

When it comes to enjoying the ‘youthing’ process, it is clear that the main difference lies in the choices we make throughout the day – what we eat, how we move, how we treat ourselves, even the inner tapes we choose to play as we drift off to sleep at night. Through meditation or self-hypnosis, we can learn to stop worrying, deal with anger, stop criticising ourselves and others, banish guilt, regain our composure and even find peace of mind, despite all of life’s hassles. Our immune system is at the mercy of all this negative energy, and it’s our immune system that lies at the heart of staying young.

No drugs, surgery or artificial elements should be necessary to slow down our ageing – simply tapping into the natural healing process so that there is an increase in the production of the hormone, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), released by the adrenal cortex, will do exactly the same. Research has found that a rise in DHEA levels leads to an increase in the immune system’s response to most diseases commonly associated with ageing. Why, therefore, would you go for those hideous, synthetic supplements as a way of remaining youthful, with all their nasty side-effects, when some quiet time alone, engaging your mind in discovering new ways of being, could do exactly the same thing?

Enhancing your immune system may indeed be the key to slowing down the ageing process, so if you’re ready to embark on a programme of self-hypnosis, please get in touch. In the meantime, however, the IBO or the ‘Institute of the Blindingly Obvious’ leaves you the following as tips for a long and healthy life!

  1. Stop smoking
  2. Don’t take your work home
  3. Take up a hobby you enjoy
  4. Do 30 minutes brisk walking every couple of days
  5. Use relaxation techniques instead of alcohol or drugs to unwind
  6. Create a place of sanctuary to be by yourself
  7. Eat nutritionally balanced and wholesome meals
  8. Cut down on sweets
  9. Go out with friends regularly
  10. Once a week, take time out to do something special, just for yourself

Live Long & Prosper!!

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