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Inspirational Winners


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The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat!

It’s a bank holiday weekend and with it comes a day out at the Races, perhaps……and with this one thought comes another……..how racing around is something we all do from time to time, which got me thinking about the rat race thing in general, and then how we’re all on this search to find meaning in our lives etc. etc.………my, how the mind can wander!

Commonly attributed to the actress, Lily Tomlin, the title of this piece resonates so well for me……..if someone works too hard, it’s implied that they are in the rat race…..to spend a whole lot of time, expending loads of effort running around, but ultimately achieving nothing, either collectively or individually! It implies that many people may view work as a seemingly endless pursuit, with little reward or purpose…….oh dear!

The increased image of work as a rat race in modern times has led many to question their attitudes to work and to seek a better alternative with a more harmonious life balance. Many believe that long work hours, unpaid overtime, stressful jobs, time spent commuting, less time for family & friends, has all led to a population unable to enjoy the benefits of increased economic prosperity and a higher standard of living.

So important, then, that we find what we truly love to do so that we spend our lives doing just that and not what we think we should be doing!

Escaping the rat race can have a number of different meanings:

  • Leaving our jobs so that we simply spend our time differently.
  • No longer having or wanting to work and pursing other interests.
  • Moving from a high pressure job to a less intense role, either with a different company or within the same company, in a different location or department.
  • Changing to a different job that doesn’t involve working 9 to 5 with the long commute.
  • Working from home.
  • Becoming financially independent from an employer.
  • Entering a new profession by playing to a dormant strength once thought lost or buried.
  • Moving away from the city to the country and living in harmony with nature.

Notice how I never once mentioned the word, ‘retirement’! This word should be completely banned from our vocabulary!! To retire means ‘to go to sleep’ – little wonder then, that when people really do choose to retire, being put to sleep is precisely what happens to them! If you want to see your grave earlier than anticipated, feel free to continue talking about your retirement, otherwise, stop using the ‘R’ word and get on with living your life!

Love what you do and do what you love!

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