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Inspirational Winners


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Celebrate, Good Times! Come On!

No, it’s not ‘Kool & The Gang’ back with another 70s revival show, but a blissfully happy reminder to me and my family about the importance of all celebrations, whatever the occasion, especially as today, we mark it with my, one and only, dearest brother’s 50th birthday!!!

Happy birthday, my darling, Quaiser – thank you for allowing me to be your big sister and for giving me the opportunity to experience just about every emotion under the sun…..from my desperation when you’re sad, to my elation when you laugh, and to everything else in between………and for giving me the chance to make an attempt at figuring out what life is really all about – to love and be loved, to discover my inner wisdom and develop a compassion to simply allow myself and others to be human……God bless you, my little brother, and here’s to you, and all of us sharing your special day – a very happy 50th birthday!!

Now, see below for the 50 lessons that, so far, my life has taught me – one for every one of your special years!! My God, we’ve certainly been through some trials and tribulations, eh, bro?! Have yourself a most spectacular day!!!! We love you!!

  1. Life isn’t always fair, but it’s still good.
  2. When in doubt, just take the next, small step.
  3. All you need is love – life is too short to be wasting time hating anyone.
  4. Your job won’t care if you’re sick!
  5. Your friends and family care about you, so make sure to keep in touch.
  6. You don’t have to win every argument, just agree to disagree.
  7. It’s better to be kind than to be right all the time.
  8. Cry with someone – it’s more healing than crying alone.
  9. It’s OK to get angry with the Universe – it’s big enough to take it!
  10. Save for when you’re older, starting with your first month’s pay!
  11. When it comes to dark chocolate covered marzipan, resistance is futile!
  12. Make peace with your past so it doesn’t screw up the present.
  13. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.
  14. Don’t compare your life to others – you have no idea what their journey is about.
  15. If your relationship has to be a secret, do something about it.
  16. Take a deep breath – it calms the mind.
  17. Get rid of everything that doesn’t make you happy, isn’t beautiful, or the least bit useful!
  18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.
  19. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood, so make sure you have a second crack at it!
  20. Everything, and I mean everything, is up to you, no one else.
  21. When it comes to going after what you love in life, never take ‘no’ for an answer!
  22. Burn the beautiful candles, use the fancy sheets and wear the best clothes: today is special!
  23. Over-prepare when you’re preparing for anything and then just go with the flow.
  24. Be eccentric now – don’t wait for old age to wear purple!
  25. The most important sex organ is the brain.
  26. No-one is in charge of your happiness but you, so live every moment, love beyond words and laugh out loud every day!
  27. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: “In five years’ time, is this really going to matter?”
  28. Whatever happens, please, choose life – start to believe in miracles.
  29. Forgive everyone for everything. Do yourself a favour and let go of all that negative energy!
  30. What other people think of you is really none of your business.
  31. Time heals almost everything, so give it time.
  32. However good or bad a situation this is, it’s going to change.
  33. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does!
  34. Plan like you’re going to live forever, then live like today could be your last!
  35. The Universe loves you because of who you are, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.
  36. Don’t waste time over-analysing life. Simply show up and make the most of it now.
  37. Ageing by another day, every day, beats the alternative!
  38. Your children only get one childhood – let them play!
  39. All that truly matters in the end is that we have loved in life.
  40. Get outside every day – miracles are waiting for you everywhere.
  41. If everyone threw all their problems into a heap and saw everyone else’s, we’d all grab our own back!
  42. Envy is a waste of time – you already have everything you need.
  43. No matter how you feel, get up, clean up, dress up and then show up!
  44. Surrender to the gift of life, yield to it and trust that your inner voice always knows what’s best for you.
  45. Friends are the family we consciously choose to add real meaning to our lives.
  46. Believe in the power of your subconscious – it holds the answers to all your prayers.
  47. Listen to your body, open your heart, make the most of your mind and free your spirit!
  48. Be a shining star – never settle for a bit-part in the movie of your own life!
  49. Smile to change the world – don’t ever let the world and its woes change your smile.
  50. Thank you, thank you, thank you my guardian angels – I know the best is yet to come…..

The Hollies said it beautifully……nearly always bringing a tear to my eye……

“……his welfare is my concern…..he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother!”

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