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Spring Into A New Cycle Of Life This April!

Everything, everywhere, is subject to specific rhythms and cycles. Whether you’re a follower of science, or any other teaching, we all know that this begins at the level of atoms and molecules, and encompasses all forms of being in creation.

Fixed, rhythmic laws can be seen everywhere – in our heartbeat and respiration, in the shift from day to night, in the coming and going of the seasons and in the predictable movement of the stars. This creative process is a vital one for us to harness if we’re to find real solutions to some of our more difficult problems.

As you may know, it’s a biological fact that our bodies renew themselves every seven years. After seven years all our body’s cells have been replaced by new ones so, biologically speaking, after every seven-year phase, we are a completely new person! Maybe that’s why people talk about having an itch every seven years, as we shed that metaphorical skin?? Who knows? Anyway, I digress…

This seven year cycle can be linked directly to the chakras (taken from the ancient Sanskrit language, meaning, wheel), or the human energy centres. In learning to understand the full scope of the chakras, we can gain a level of insight into the remarkable potential of the human being, a potential so utterly fascinating, so amazing, that all we can do is stand in awe at the miracle of life.

In order to harness and work with the gifts of the chakras effectively, it isn’t necessary to have travelled to the most remote, mystical corners of India to understand them (although I’d certainly recommend a holiday out there, if you ever get the chance!), or to possess clairvoyant powers to unleash them. You will, however, with some practice, notice a change in your sensitivity to certain aspects of your consciousness.

The level of consciousness of every living being depends on the frequencies of energy (also known as prana in India, or chi in Japan & China) that it is capable of absorbing and storing. Animals have lower frequencies than human beings, and advanced human beings have higher frequencies than those at the beginning of their development. The chakras act as receivers, transformers and distributors of energy through the energy channels, i.e. the meridians or nadis (pronounced nade-eyes in Sanskrit), the Chinese treatment of acupuncture probably being the most commonly known use of these channels.

Through the meridians, the chakras take up vital energy from our four energy bodies (i.e. our minds, bodies, emotions and spiritual connections), our surroundings, the cosmos, and all manner of other stuff we probably don’t fully understand, to transform them into frequencies needed for our sustenance and development. By means of this energy system, the human being is therefore in a constant state of change and continual exchange with the powers at work from all levels of the environment and the universe at large. Put like that, it provides a whole new slant to the concept of how to manage change! It’s no wonder then, why people struggle with it, if we don’t even know what we’re dealing with!

The mind, body, heart and soul all possess their own fundamental, vibrational frequency and each of these bodies, in action, maintains an invisible, dance-like aura that we either learn how to harness, and work with, in order to find a level of equilibrium in our lives, or resist and fight to so remain in a constant state of ill-health and confusion.

Whilst there are many chakras in the body, the seven chakras most often referred to are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and crown. Just as we have the seven colours of the rainbow combining to give us pure, white light, we have the seven chakras working in harmony to give us access to all things holistic: health & well-being, wisdom, compassion, creativity, insight, not to mention, more fulfilled relationships and the development of our true potential – it may even be the path to our enlightenment!

To find out more about the power of the chakras and how to live a more balanced life, you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

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