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Inspirational Winners


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Stop the world, I want to get off!

500 years ago, no-one died from “stress” – we humans invented the concept and now we let it rule our lives. We may have evolved as a species to achieve great things, such as miraculously landing on the moon, somehow managing to produce babies in test-tubes and even getting close to finding that all-elusive cure for cancer……but as far as our emotional development goes, it leaves a lot to be desired…….as Ruby Wax so eloquently puts it in her new book, ‘A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled’, we are still basically swimming with the pond scum!

It is becoming increasingly clear that unless we advance our more human qualities, we are doomed to seeing our race morph into androids, robots, cyborgs or any other automaton creation of your choosing. Recent workshops, a case in point, where clients horrifyingly admit to struggling with their lot so much that they have lost all sense of purpose, with no real meaning left in their lives; have nothing in terms of balance in what they do……and to be able to enjoy what they have? …..well, that just appears to be a complete and utter waste of time as an attainable goal.

As I head off for London today, I cast my mind back to meeting the inimitable Ruby Wax, back at around about this time of year, in 2011, for Comic Relief: a real turning point for me. My own journey to seek out (not new life & new civilisations, as people may hear me quoting on a regular basis!, but) true peace of mind, while maintaining a greater sense of balance, was essential for me, if I were serious about my life’s work and personal mission with Inspirational Winners. As a result, five years on, mindfulness and meditation are now the cornerstone of many of my clients’ business requirements, not to mention how regular practice has impacted on their personal goals.

We are, as a species, unquestionably and absolutely, truly capable of great things……we would be even better, though, if we all knew how to connect the dots between our mind, body and soul so that we could genuinely evolve into the emotionally sophisticated beings we need to be in order to survive this crazy world that we, ourselves, have created.

To find out more about our recent ‘Life Balance & Personal Growth’ workshops, please contact us at [email protected]

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