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Inspirational Winners


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November - the time for fireworks to make us take notice

This month’s consideration: Past and Future
What came before and what might follow can give meaning to our life in the present. We can’t escape the influence of time, so why not befriend it? Instead of living in the past or burying past experiences, make a point of appreciating what those times have taught you, as fraught with fireworks as they may have been. Rather than closing your eyes to them for fear of being burnt again, indulge in a little speculation – it’s vital for planning any kind of future.

This month’s affirmation
“I honour the past for its lessons and joys. I relish the future for its possibilities. Together they enrich the present moment.”

This month’s Practice: Smart Planning
Just as in applying safety measures with fireworks on the 5th November, even though we have no idea what to expect when they ignite, the key to making life plans is to remain unattached to the outcome. If you’re set on a certain result and it doesn’t happen, you’re likely to think that it’s not just the plan but, the planner who has failed, and at best feel thoroughly disappointed, or at worst, see your life come to ruins as you mess around trying to fix things. So, whenever you make plans, just tell yourself, “This is the best I can do for now, in the present circumstances, with all the information I have at hand. I can do no more or any better right now. I have done the best I can and am allowing the universe to take care of the results.”

This month’s Project: Your Life as Art
Given all the options, from scrapbooking to producing a DVD, showcasing your past has never been easier. If this idea appeals to you, ask yourself: do you want to collect memories simply for your own edification or do you wish to leave a true legacy for your loved ones? The memorabilia you decide to include may well dictate the format, but there is also some real room to be creative. With your past as your raw material, you could sew a quilt!……write an epic!……illustrate a manual with photos!…… or even set your life to music – who knows where these ideas could take you?!?

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