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October – the time to see and believe in magic!

This month’s consideration: Heaven and Earth

Plugged into our high-tech toys, we can all too often ignore the natural world. Cyberspace junkies need to come down to earth and see how amazing things also exist on this plane. Achieving “touch-down” can be as simple as preparing the garden for winter or strolling on a deserted beach. Being too well-grounded, on the other hand, can give you tunnel vision, stopping you from seeing the magic behind all things real. Finding balance might involve literally taking to the air with those long-awaited flying lessons, riding a hot-air balloon or letting your imagination soar sky-high screeching on a witch’s broomstick!


This month’s Affirmation

“I set my sights high and, at the same time, stay grounded. I look up and hold my head high, while making sure my feet touch the earth every day.”


This month’s Practice: Banishing Fear

Spooky times, scary stories and all things creepy are the wonderful stuff of Halloween, but life does have its real concerns for us to face from time to time. The antidote to fear, especially financial worries, or anxiety about starting something new, is to truly ground your energy. One method, a Tibetan practice, activates the root chakra at the base of the spine. Take a deep breath in and, with your tongue touching the roof of your mouth, sound the syllable “lang”. Repeat for 11 minutes – that’s just to ensure that you do it for at least 10! The chant sets up a vibration said to increase inner strength and counter any feelings of insecurity.


This month’s Project: Unleash your Imagination

Give your imagination room to manoeuvre. Fresh ideas need lots of space and air. Pastimes, such as computer games are diverting, but for freeing up your creativity, nothing compares to picking up a sketch pad and pencil, and then doodling to your heart’s content. Working your way round a musical instrument is another way to discover your hidden talents, perhaps even leading to the creation of a whole new dance routine for ‘Strictly’! Follow your imagination wherever it wants to lead you, even if it’s towards reading a simple nursery book. Remember, logic only gets you from A to B; it’s your imagination that takes you everywhere!!

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