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June - The time to thank Mother Nature

This month’s consideration: Yin and Yang
According to Taoist thinking, yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) energies drive the entire universe. They represent a balance between opposing qualities – dark and light, quiet and lively, receptive and active – allowing nature to always find its level effortlessly. The complete man or woman contains the seeds of both these qualities. Allow the harmonious pattern of yin and yang to help you recognise these points of contact with anyone, no matter how different they are from you. As with a garden in all its beauty, allow yourself to grow in the same way by appreciating the beauty in others.

This month’s Affirmation
“I experience yin and yang as complementary energies within me. I work to make myself whole”

This month’s Practice: Going against the Grain
Make it a principle to value perspectives opposite to your own. That could mean anything from learning some basic DIY or car maintenance skills to reading a soldier’s autobiography or studying the history of the Inuit. Spend at least an hour a week immersing yourself in something unfamiliar. Find ways to identify with “otherness”, such as the opposite sex and different cultures.

This month’s Project: Dream Watch
If a woman dreams of an irresistible man, it could be the male aspect of her psyche trying to catch her attention. For a man dreaming of a beautiful woman, it may be his feminine side reaching out. Monitor your dreams for a glimpse of the messages your subconscious is wanting to convey. Your conscious hours always require considerable processing, so let your dreams do the job that nature intended and see yourself on the way to finding wholeness through both inner and outer wellness.

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