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Deliberately creating your day

When our mood is low, the world looks bleak; when our mood is high, we feel as though we can take on the world. When our mood is high, everyone is wonderful; when our mood is low, they’re all total ba****ds! The difference, as always, is something that is not to be found outside in the world, but right inside ourselves.

Every emotion we experience is a direct response to our thoughts, not to the world around us. The more clearly we see that this is the case, the easier it is to simply feel our feelings and to then let them go…..and the gift of this insight is that we stop needing to change the world and everyone in it in order to change the way we feel.

At our best, it’s easy for us to appear remarkably adept at handling our lives so well. We know what to do and tend to do things as they need to be done. We follow our common sense and our inner wisdom and naturally make the best decisions we can based on all the facts we have to hand. The trouble is we don’t always remember to live our lives at our best. In fact, for most people, the times spent being at their very best are very few and far between, turning them into victims of circumstance, rather than the deliberate creators they could be of their lives.

Your day doesn’t create your mood, it’s your mood that creates your day!………and a deeper understanding of where your emotions come from will give you so many more options on how to make the most of your day and ultimately your entire life.

As we all have an extra day this year – the 29th Feb, 2016 – this gives us all an extra opportunity to have an extra special day! So, go on, be a devil and deliberately create something that makes it a truly remarkable one!!


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