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March 2015 - The time to seek out new beginnings

This month’s consideration: Town or Country?

Are you the city type who sneezes at the sight of grass? Or a country cousin who’s allergic to traffic? Remember, your preferences are a state of mind, not a truth of nature. If you broaden your experience, you’ll become happier and more tolerant. You don’t have to sell up and relocate to discover what an urban – or a rural – setting has to offer. Your new beginning could simply be to take time to explore whichever environment is foreign to you.

This month’s Affirmation

“I relish exploring unfamiliar places and, by discovering how other people live, I can make myself at home anywhere.”

This month’s Practice: Getting Lost

The thing that’s uncomfortable about unfamiliar places is that they’re unfamiliar! Practise at getting yourself lost, then finding yourself again, and you’ll feel more confident wherever you are. Pick a place you don’t know, tuck a map of the area in your bag and let yourself lose the way. Have faith and, without asking for any directions, retrace your steps to familiar territory. If you seem hopelessly lost, don’t despair or start to panic. Take in your surroundings and stop for a drink. Gather your composure, wait for a while and then consult your map. You’ll be absolutely fine and will be able to look back at yourself with a real sense of pride.

This month’s Project: Expand your horizons

Step outside your comfort zone. Research what city folk see in the concrete jungle, or what country people love about narrow lanes and the open air. Read up on a specific location and imagine what it would be like to live there. Seek out an insider’s view from one of the local residents. Find out where your interests match and what the region has to offer: hiking or biking, antiques or auctions, theatres or restaurants, country fairs or stately homes, yoga or zumba – they will all expand your horizons!

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