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Keep calm and cast a spell!

castaspellMy clients seem to be quite divided in their opinions about mantras and the use of affirmations – there is no denying, however, the power of one’s self-talk as a way of casting our own inadvertent, nasty spells: how we talk to ourselves can either keep us feeling on top of the world or make it seem that we are destined to hit rock bottom, time and time again.

Given that every Halloween calls for the creation of a new witch’s brew, how about we take a look at some new mantras? 21 special lines to follow, revitalised with some up to date subliminal therapy techniques to truly capture and bottle the essence of self-talk at its best!

Use these affirmations wisely, with a systematic dosage over a continuous period of 28 days, remembering the magic formula,
I x F = NDF (intensity x frequency = new dendrite formation).
New neural pathways are incredibly easy to create, so make sure you create only positive ones to achieve a whole new level of accelerated health and wellbeing for yourself.

  1. My success is my gift to the world
  2. Today I choose to see solutions instead of problems
  3. I give myself permission to be prosperous
  4. I work for enjoyment and satisfaction, not just to earn a living
  5. The doors of opportunity are always open in my career
  6. My job is perfect for my life – it is easy and fun for me to be productive and organised at work
  7. I understand that I have the right to be happy and successful
  8. I am an oasis of peace, harmony, prosperity and laughter – my home reflects all that I am
  9. I am powerful beyond my dreams
  10. Every cell in my body responds to every thought I think – my immune system knows I love my body, so it identifies only with vibrant health
  11. I am the source of happiness, peace and joy in my life
  12. People respect me and appreciate all that I do
  13. My home is my sanctuary, protecting my family at all times – I allow only vibrations of love to enter and reside in my home
  14. When I complain less and appreciate more, I find it easy to love more and fear less
  15. I naturally gravitate towards people and things that make my soul sing
  16. Everything I need comes to me at exactly the right time
  17. When I relax and listen to my body’s signals, they effortlessly guide me to where I need to go and what I need to do
  18. I let go of my need for certainty and to be in control – I expand my possibilities and allow space for the magic and mystery of life to find me
  19. I trust in life to keep me safe and accept that change is leading me to my rightful destination
  20. I am exactly where I need to be – there is a greater plan at work and I trust the process
  21. I welcome abundance into my life – I release all blocks and know that I deserve the best now

If you’re serious about anything from stopping smoking or snoring to coping with the menopause to losing weight, or committed to helping your kids stop grinding their teeth or bed-wetting, then contact Inspirational Winners for more detailed information on subliminal therapy techniques. It’s not only phobia management or self-esteem issues we can help you with: whatever you wish to change in your life, we can start you on that road to reinvention and have you so amazed that by the end of it, looking back, you’ll finally believe that the impossible really was, indeed, possible!

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