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Inspirational Winners


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Red Nose Day…..find comic relief by being organised, first!

Make it a habit
Spend a little time each day to organise at least one part of your life.

Take action
Stop procrastinating and take the first step toward achieving your goals today.

Make your bed
Organising a little piece of your world can start your day on the right note

Find a place for everything
Pick out your most important items and designate spots for them.

Actively manage your finances
Make use of apps like ‘Mint’ and ‘You Need a Budget’ to determine your money situation…..or, better still, get yourself an accountant!

Declutter your online presence
Make sure to include topical and relevant information when you create social media accounts and websites.

Tease your plans to your community
Share snippets of your overarching plans with friends and associates to build accountability.

Remove unnecessary stuff
Get rid of 5 things that you no longer use from each room of your home.

Eliminate obstacles
Silence email alerts, texts and other noises that can distract you throughout your day.

Most importantly, make it FUN, this Friday, 19th March! …or don’t bother!

Do it Mary Poppins style! Identify where to start, then sing, dance and laugh your way through whatever you’re wanting to fix!

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