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Inspirational Winners


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Stop the world, I want to get off!







If you’re wondering what’s next for you, and your family, as we continue to face the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and worldwide shutdowns, you are not alone.

We need to fortify our hope, activate our intuition, find our inner strength and lift our spirits, in order to get through this!

Easter has come and gone and now we see April’s new moon bringing in the holy month of Ramadan: a time where we must focus on forgiveness and courage – to build bridges where, until now, we may have been blaming people and circumstances – a time to let love conquer all………to trust the process of life – to let this be our guide, moment by moment, without rushing for an end goal.

We have no idea where the end lies, so our present moment awareness is the only way to experience goodness as we navigate our way through these unchartered waters.

Enlightenment is about letting go of all the things that have been holding us back – to make a conscious choice to either keep or reject an existing belief. It is really quite simple – we don’t need huge breakthroughs – every step we take leads us to a new set of instructions – that’s the way life keeps unfolding for all of us.

We all have great gifts – we need to keep remembering this and that our primary intention must be to always feel good. This is all happening for a reason. Rely on the ancient wisdom of the soul and Stay Awake!

Letting go of limiting beliefs may be all you need to do – when you finally understand and accept that you have complete control of all your experiences (not necessarily the events), you reach a place in your heart that is filled with joy – and learning how to get there is actually much easier than you think.….and therein lies the key – what you think!

Life, as you know it, changes completely – when you take control of your thoughts.

Everything awful, be it cancer, redundancy, mental breakdown, world pandemic, whatever, is an opportunity, requiring us to feel the discomfort, so that we learn how to heal ourselves from the inside, in order to move on and continue living in an energetic state on the right vibrational frequency.

If all this sounds too weird and wonderful to work out, it is! We don’t have to understand things to know they exist – just take a good look around you and I’m sure you’ll get the gist!


Stay safe, stay sane, stay connected – my love and blessings to you all!


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